This month's theme was "Instant Refresher" which doesn't really mean anything but it's supposed to make you think nice things about it. Okay.
This month's featured curator is the CEO of Beauty Bus Foundation. Beauty Bus provides in-home beauty services for people who are sick. For every 10 Blush Mystery Beauty Boxes sold this month, Blush donated one box to Beauty Bus. That's nice. It is nice.
We also got Bioxidea Miracle24 Hand Mask. This is from the same people who gave us the hockey face mask with diamond dust, which I used and which was fine, if slightly cold and hockeyish. I haven't used the hand mask yet because it hasn't fit into my fingernail plans for the month so far, but I will use it someday and I'm sure it will be nice.
We also got Oilless Oil by Peter Thomas Roth. It's moisturizer for your face and whatever else needs moisturizing. I've been using this at night and I quite like it. They make a big deal out of the process they use to make this - it's from sugar cane or whatever, and they do a lot of fancy stuff to it, apparently. This seems to work nicely, and my face and I like it.
They also sent pūr~lisse pūr-moist hydra-balance moisturizer. This is the cousin of the stuff that my chin apparently hated last fall and I'm scared to try this. Also goddammit, why does the name have to be so complicated? I'm inclined to dislike it pūr~ly because of the name.
And we got Laura Geller Beauty Cool Lids Cream Eyeshadow in Silver Sands. Silvery liquid eyeshadow. I don't wear eyeshadow but this is the bombdiggity, if you will. I really like this stuff. You just use a tiny, tiny dot, and suddenly you look very, very fancy. Me gusta, Laura Geller.
And the last item. Miracle Skin Transformer Face. They sent this exact thing in October. But the tube I got in October expires in a year and a half, and the tube they sent this month expired in March. This is super weird. Weird that they're sending something they've already sent, and weird that they're sending out expired products. I could have contacted them and gotten a replacement, but I don't want a replacement, so eh.
I really like three of the products that came this month, I will probably like one product, I'm scared to use one product, and one product is stupid. Overall this was a successful box for me, but I'm still feeling underwhelmed. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm on the internet and eventually everyone has to turn into a whiner. I still think the Blush Mystery Beauty Box is the best beauty box. It's nice that this month they donated products to the Beauty Bus Foundation. The blush, eyeshadow, and oilless oil are probably among the top products I've received and I'll continue to use them for all my livelong days. Bleh.
Maybe I'm cranky because I only liked one product last month.
Maybe I need to take a nap.