Saturday, March 4, 2017

Blue Apron and Target Beauty Box

A few weeks ago a friend gave me a free Blue Apron box. Blue Apron is like a beauty box for your stomach and it is appropriate to write about here.

A Blue Apron box contains fresh ingredients for three recipes serving two people. Each box costs $60. My first free one came late - it was supposed to be delivered on a Friday, but didn't come until Monday. I emailed Blue Apron about it, and they gave me another free box. Even though my first box was three days late, everything was still usable because they pack it so well.

Going into this I thought it was stupid and ridiculous. For 60 bucks I could buy way more groceries! However, I wouldn't. These are healthy meals that offer variety, and it's fun to come home to cook something up all fancy-like, like a real adult. Also Blue Apron was very generous in giving me another free box. So I'm keeping my Blue Apron subscription for a little bit. You can skip weeks, which is nice - you're not locked into $60 every week.

So far I've gotten three boxes and paid for one. I have done a pretty bad job on two of the dishes. We'll see how long this goes.


I still have way too many products that I'm trying to use up from my wild and heady days as a beauty box connoisseur and blogger, so there's no way I can justify signing up for any more beauty boxes for the foreseeable future.

However, Target has monthly beauty boxes, and you don't technically sign up for them, you purchase them individually every month, and they're not expensive ($5-10, depending), and sometimes if they don't sell out after a couple weeks they'll discount them, and my sister wanted one in January so I bought it for her in a very generous and grand fashion, and I was impressed and filled with envy when she opened hers, so I decided to buy one for myself as well. I was very pleased with it. Then I bought a February one when it got discounted (because everyone on the internet hated it that month and refused to buy it) and I was pleased with that too. This month the Target Beauty Box has already sold out! So that's put an end to my Target Beauty Box spree, thankfully.

But Amazon also has a beauty box! My mom bought me one for my birthday. It's full of tiny little things, many little things. They'll be useful for the gym. (I'm going to the gym again.)

Just today I finally used up one of the bottles of the cleanser that I got from the Blush Mystery Beauty Box many moons ago. I liked that stuff. Probably because it was blue. (It was the Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel for Face and Body. On the Dermstore website they have a picture of the bubbles from this stuff. Ha ha.)

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